Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Anti-Aging: It Ain't All Wunnerful

“Approach with caution!”

Okay, I’ll be the adverse advocate (the Sarge ain’t the Devils pal) on anti-aging and it’s benefits.

First, let me state that I agree with Glenn Reynolds that anti-aging resources are rapidly approaching, probably faster than most of us can imagine. And yes, I want myself, my wife, and my kids to live long and prosper (HT Cdr. Spock). But somebody needs to ring a little bell about what that brings with it.

Family: are you ready to live close to a family with 11 living generations? Consider any problems that exist in your family circle and multiply them by 4 or 6.

Retirement: if you were lucky or unfortunate enough to retire in your 50’s, and the great leaps in anti-aging treatment that are now being quietly discussed actually do come to pass in the next 10 – 15 years, whatcha’ going to do? Can you stretch your savings? More importantly, will your employer have second thoughts on how long they are willing to pay? How tough will it be to get a job when you’re 106?

Employment: if you are the heir apparent for a promotion, to take over the family business, or just hoping for a merit raise, do you expect everything to remain the same when people work for 85 – 100 years? John Ringo writes an exceptional military SF series about humans who need to regenerate veterans to help fight an almost unstoppable enemy, and the humorous but tragic need to deal with multiple returning generals and admirals. What will you do with 6 generations of previous senior managers claiming the only cubicle with a window view?

Birth control: no matter what your thoughts or religious convictions are regarding population management in the micro or macro perspectives, rethink them.

Actuarially supported industries: they’re gone, bruddah. Got stock in any insurance companies?

There are plenty more issues that will be analyzed by much smarter folks than the Sarge. But kick the lid off this mental trash can, it’s starting to smell like reality, troop.

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