Saturday, August 20, 2005

Red, Red Wine

I was high-browing over at Professor Bainbridge’s blog; he is a smart fella, who also happens to be a wine lover and expert on the subject.

I like wine too. I like red wine. The kind of red wine I like is – well, you know that stuff that’s left over after the dirty footed women stomp the grapes? Then they take the pressure hose and wash all that out. That efflux gets fed to horses as part of a healthy breakfast. After that, that’s the kind of wine I like. If it costs more than $5 to fill up a water cooler bottle it’s over my head, brother.

But you know what? When I serve this post-plonk mess to my wine loving friends they love it! Of course, I’m always careful to put out a couple of $8.99 bottles first, but by the third glass they could care less.

Got some class, but it’s llllloooohhhooooowwwwwwwww class.

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